As well as some (much appreciated!) custard slices, Lucy brought me a very special something.
Can you tell what it is yet?...

It's a crochet hook roll!

Not only is it beautifully made with gorgeous fabrics, it will also help to double pigeon production as I seem to spend an awful lot of time locating crochet hooks before I can start. Now they're all in one place. Thank you, Lucy, I LOVE it!
After our custard slices, we got out the Gocco machine. As my photos are dark and wobbly, you can see the resulting seed packets plus an explanation of the whole exciting process on Lucy's blog here.
Talking of Gocco-ing, these scary monster notelets will be appearing in the Pigeon Loft Etsy Shop very shortly. Hopefully with matching envelopes if I ever track some down...
And finally, Mr.Pigeon would like to give a huge "coo" of thanks to Michelle, Mr.Pigeon 037's owner, for finding us some old-style pigeon yarn. Original Mr.Ps can continue for a while yet. Hooray!
Just read about your lovely day over on Lucy's blog - sounds like you had a fab time!
I had such a brilliant time yesterday - I'm totally in love with your gocco machine - so in love in fact that I think you should just leave it with me when you go back down to Bristol!!!!!
I gave some of the seed packets to my friend for her birthday and she loved them.
Thanks again, Lucy x
P.S. I forgot to say on my blog how fantastic your chocolate brownies were - you could leave them here as well!
Lovely cards! The crochet roll will be useful too.
We made gingerbread at school last week with your recipe. It was such a hit that all the people were gone and every-one wanted seconds.
xo nicky
That Gocco -ing looks like fun. I might "need" one of those thingies, LOL! Oh, and I'm lovin' that needle roll, Woo-HOO!
Hi - I've just discovered you via Lucy Locket and I just love Mr Pigeon!!
April xx
That Gocco machine is brilliant! I love the cards.
I am glad that you are going to double your pigeon production, I mught be able to get a miss Henny Penny....
What is a Gocco machine? Must find out.....
YOu are so creative, and so much fun...I have awarded you a bloggy award! Woo-HOO! Now go to my blog and right clicking on it to collect. Don't forget to Pay it Forward by sharing your favorite blogs!
You must have had a great day with Lucy! Just love the gocco-ing. I think I need one too!
Awesome monsters !!!
beautiful hook holder and I sooo want to have a go with a gocco printer!
What a great fun day! I had a peek at Lucy Locket and the printing looks so much fun.
What a lovely gift!! Have you ever made a large Mr. Pigeon - I see a funny tale in the making there!
Wow, Charlie, your talents amaze and astound me. Not content with making the cutest pigeons EVER CREATED, and mouth-watering goodies, it turns out that you're also a massively talented artist.
I loved reading about yours and Lucy's Goccing over at Mrs L's blog, but please .... leave a little talent for the rest of us to share out!
ooh, I forgot to say, I love the crochet roll as well .... Mrs L is blessed in the talent department too!
Oooh, it looks like you had a lovely day! The goccoing must've been fun... I vaguely remember making goccoed Christmas cards with my Mum when I was a tiny, and I *do* remember that it was a hugely enjoyable activity, if a little messy for a small person :o)
And also, I love your crochet roll, especially the tape-measure ties - they're brilliant! D'you know where Lucy came by those? I might have to go and ask her...
But I'm rambling. Again. So sorry :o)
Oooh - Locket did a fab job of your crochet hook roll and I love the fabrics she's used! It looks like you two had a fab day together and I'm trying so very hard not to be overwhelmed with Gocco envy :)
what a great much fun...A Gocco M. is on my Christmas list, I have beeen looking for one for over a year now but as the ones I have found are over £100 I might have to sell a few more 'makes' first...gotta feed the kids first right?
What a lovely day you had! Good friends, gifts, crafts and good things to eat. Just doesn't get any better!
Love the prints
This reminds me that I must finish my crochet roll - it has been a work in progress for some time now!
Mr Pigeon should be nominated for next year's 'Honours List' for his smile appeal. I reckon he's cheared up a good many folks along the way. His pics have certainly brightened my day. Thanks Mr P
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