Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Pigeon Loft Hits the High Street!

Last year I waved goodbye to these three little chaps as they were put in a box headed for Hallmark HQ in Yorkshire...

One year later these magically appeared in Marks & Spencer ...

They seem to be in the larger branches, so do pop in if you want to wish your friends and family a very woolly Easter.

Sadly the profits from any cards purchased will not go towards Mr.Pigeon's Ferrari fund, but it's exciting to see these little crocheted creatures out in the wild nonetheless.


Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Yay for you, Charlie!!! I'm so proud to be the possessor of a handcrafted Charlie pigeon of my very own.

Gina said...

Congratulations Charlie!

Locket Pocket said...

That's fantastic Charlie! Lucy xx

Di said...

Congratulations!! What a coo? (Get it??)

Glad to see you here in the little space you call blog home and nice to see some of what you have been up off to Marks and SPencer to see if I can purchase a card or 2!

Country Cottage Chic said...

Ooh! Congratulations! We will be able to say 'we knew her when'...

trash said...

Oh Charlie that is so exciting !

dottycookie said...

How brilliant - well done you!

Snowberry and Lime said...

that's amazing, congratulations!

sewa mobil jakarta said...

Very nice, thanks for sharing.

ahmedseo said...

الدكتور أحمد عبد السلام دكتور سمنة ونحافة ذو خبرة ومهرة متخصص في علاج مشاكل السمنة ونحافة الوزن. يؤمن إيمانًا راسخًا بأن أسلوب الحياة الصحي ضروري لحياة سعيدة، ويمارس ما يعظ به. لقد ساعد عددًا لا يحصى من المرضى على تحقيق أهداف الوزن المرجوة، وهو يفعل ذلك بطريقة ودية وعاطفية.