Friday, August 5, 2011

Famous Friday: Here You Come Again

Have an Oxford Dictionary definition:

dolly bird (dol·ly bird)


British informal

i. an attractive and stylish young woman, considered with reference only to her appearance.

ii. crochet pigeon disguised as country music legend.


Anonymous said...

those eye lashes and ............ one amazing transformation into Dolly P!

trash said...

I bet the other Dolly bird would think this was ace.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Speechless here in Texas, the land of big hair (and other things).

Gina said...

Wow! That is quite some pigeon breast!

Anonymous said...

Dollywood is at Pigeon Forge, how apt !

Locket Pocket said...

Oh that pigeon frontage is simply amazing!! Locket xx

Mrs Moog said...

Oh my word - what a fabulously endowed Dolly bird!!


Sophie said...

GOOD job Charlie ;)

Unknown said...

Hysterical - your not only talented but you really have the best sense of humor - love it!!