You may remember (though it was two years ago) that Mr.Pigeon likes to dress up.
I had such fun making little costumes that I plan to make 'The Many Faces of Mr.Pigeon" a regular feature and I hope you enjoy Mr.Pigeon's fancy dress as much as I do.
To kick it off, here's one superhero dressed as another superhero...

Absolutely brilliant mr p!!!
Love it!!! BatP looks amazing!
I guess he needs a robin pal?
He looks ready to spring in to action as soon as the batphone rings !
Oh, Charlie, proving yet again my amazing maturity..........I LOVE it! If ever there were a pigeon suited to superhero status, it is definitely Mr. P.
Hahahahaha Di - BatP. That reminds of a fancy-dress Winnie the Pooh my daughter had years ago. It was a Halloween outfit and the tag on his side read 'BatPooh'.
Am I the only one hearing the theme song???
Ha! Mr P the bat pigeon... fabulous!
Simply... amazing!!!!
You know... they're taping the new Batman in Wollaton Hall. May be a good excuse to have a fieldtrip back to Notts with Mr. Pigeon :)
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