Friday, October 23, 2009

Poorly Mr. Pigeon

Mr. Pigeon and I haven't been well this week.

I came back from a weekend away in Oxford to find Mr.P flat on his back with a runny beak, aching wings and a temperature high enough to roast himself.

I thought it might be bird flu.

But then these appeared...

...closely followed by this...

Poor Mr. Pigeon

Looks like it's swine flu :-(


dottycookie said...

Oh yuk. Hope you both feel much better soon; maybe it's best to get it now while the NHS can still cope?!

Mise said...

The pesky Pig(eon) flu. Mind yourselves, both of you, and fly low.

Country Cottage Chic said...

Poor Mr P! (Well, at least he still has the right initials!) ;-)


Gina said...

Hope you both feel better soon (hope you haven't grown a curly pink tail)

Locket Pocket said...

Oh no! Poor Mr P! Does that mean you've had piggy symptoms too? Poor poor things! Lucy x

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Oh Charlie, you've made me laugh right out loud! Poor Mr. P! But count on him to go all dramatic about it.

Brenda said...

Oh Charlie, You're a riot! Hope Mr. P is all better soon, B=)

Ticking stripes said...

So funny - sorry, not that you're ill but your picturesare great! Hope you're both better soon!

quiltygal said...

Get well soon....cant have Mr P laying around like that

Valeriacrea said...

Poor Mr P!! The pig flu is a bad thing, but his pig tail is wonderful ^_^
Get well soon, hugs from Italy, Vale

Unknown said...

Poor Mr. P - how does he get to look quite so cute when he is feeling quite so poorly?? x

Sam said...

I have had it too!!

Poor Mr P - I'm getting rather grumpy with all my sniffing now!

Sam x

Manoute said...

Oink! I hope Mr P. is feeling better now.

Anonymous said...

Hope your both on the mend, although the piggy tail is rather fetching on Mr P!

Di said...

Oh dear, Poor mr Pigeon - I hope you are all better soon! And I also hope the tail and snout disappear - it may affect his flying ability!


Mrs Moog said...

Oh no - I hope you and Mr P are feeling much better very soon. I hope none of the symptoms persist - especially the snout and the curly tail!


Bobo Bun said...

Oh if you have it too you must feel poorly indeed. At least you've still got your lovely daft humour.

Look after each other.

Lisa x

Carol R said...

Get well soon Mr P!

Anonymous said...

Ha you are too funny!!...Love your pigeons...How could you not right~ Heather